Donations and Bequests
If you are a supporter of the arts and crafts you can make a donation or a bequest to the Society of Arts and Crafts of NSW, to ensure we can continue to bring you the best in quality craft.

If you would like to leave a bequest in your will, you can use a version of the wording below,
"I give to the Society of Arts and Crafts of New South Wales ( ABN 55 000 022 195) the whole of my Estate [or.... % of my Estate, the residue of my estate OR the sum of $.... AND/OR the following property] free of all duties and deductions, to be applied for the purposes of the Society of Arts and Crafts of New South Wales, in such manner as the board of the Society of Arts and Crafts of New South Wales my determine, and I direct that a receipt from the President shall be sufficient discharge for such a gift."
Please contact the President or Treasurer of the Society of Arts and Crafts by emailing with your bequest.

The Society of Arts and Crafts has been endorsed by the Australian Tax Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) and is registered as a charity (as the Society of Arts and Crafts of New South Wales) with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission- ABN 55000 022 195.
All donations of $2 or more will be tax deductible.
Thank you for your generous support, even a small amount can make a big difference to those who make or appreciate craft.